Wandering through the realms of the cosmos, pondering its huge vastness

Moon Meets Jupiter – February 18, 2013

moon and jupiter- feb 18

Avid skywatchers had a chance to witness tonight’s close pairing between Jupiter and the First Quarter Moon — a nice sky event that kicked off the celebration of the National Astronomy Week 2013 in the Philippines. If you look closely at Jupiter in this image, you’ll also see a hint of its 4 Galilean moons.

During the closest approach, Jupiter and the Moon were 0.5 degree apart.  For comparison, the angle covered by the diameter of the full moon is about 31 arcmin or 0.5 degree.

moon angular measurement

Image credit: Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network

Astronomers use angular measurements to describe the apparent size of an object, or the distance between them. Knowing how to measure angular distance is an essential skill to finding your way around the sky.

Clear skies!

3 responses

  1. eman

    Hi Raven! Pls post how we can greatly observe the dance of the three planets here in the Philippines. I hear there will also be an apparition of Mercury during the same period. Thanks!

    May 24, 2013 at 10:52 am

  2. hi raven! will the observatory be open on sunday afternoon so i can bring my kids to see the comet? thanks!

    March 8, 2013 at 12:27 pm

  3. Marguerite

    I am old, I jokingly say that I am older than dirt…in the month of August 1958, I turned 9 years old. On the weekend of my birthday, Jupiter passed behind the moon, giving the illusion of ‘sitting on the cusp’ of it. Two scientists just located the date that occurred was Aug. 18th., and I viewed it from Sherman, TX, most likely on the 16th. We had gone for ice cream for my b/day party, when a man told me to look at it. I am hoping you might help me find a photo of that event, from that time period…or send me to a sight that might direct me. Thanks so much! M

    February 26, 2013 at 2:16 am

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